20121203170516.jpgPIMEs: ajudeu a definir les prioritats de suport a la internacionalització de les PIME



Fins el 6 de desembre es pot participar a l'enquesta organitzada per la Unió Europea i el Cluster Collaboration per definir les prioritats de les PIMEs en matèria de suport a la internacionalització.

Animem a totes les PIME a participar-hi; el missatge de Cluster Collaboration és el següent:

Dear cluster managers and cluster colleagues,

increased international cooperation can be considered being a promising tool to strengthen competitiveness and profitability of SMEs. Cluster management organizations have been proven to be an excellent facilitator on behalf of their SMEs.

Consequently, the European Commission has decided to put more emphasis on internationalization matters and plans to come up with demand oriented support schemes next year supporting cluster organizations and their members to better go international. As a preparatory step, a European wide survey has been conducted about the needs of cluster management organizations and SMEs in this respect. The upcoming call design features by the European Commission will take the results of this survey strongly into account.

Thus, the European Commission and the European Cluster Collaboration Platform kindly ask you to to complete this survey and to approach your SMEs to fill in the survey on SMEs. It will just take 2 -3 minutes to fill in the survey.

Your contribution is highly appreciated! We are waiting very much for your answers until 06th of December!

Questionnaire for the SMEs

If you have any questions or comments, please contact dr. Zita Zombori, who was entrusted by the EC to coordinate this survey, via zita.zombori@gmail.com.

Best regards,

Your European Cluster Collaboration Platform Team