Next Thursday 24 November is the Innovation Day Energia 2022!
The conference, co-organized by Efficient Energy Cluster of Catalonia (CEEC), the Energy for Society R+D+I Network (XRE4S), and this year Endesa, has already become a reference meeting in the field of innovation within the energy sector, which gathers more than 100 professionals every year.
As in recent editions, companies, research groups, and start-ups will participate with the objective of promoting and sharing the latest technological advances within the energy sector. All of this will be possible through the organization of round tables, innovation forums, and is networking countries that will take place throughout the day.
This year, as a notable innovation, the organization of the event also has the participation of Endesa. L'energetica will host the conference in its modernist room, the Endesa Space (C/Roger de Flor, 38-52, 08018), from where the energy was produced that lit the streets of the city of Barcelona electrically for the first time. Taking advantage of their participation in the event, attendees will also be able to visit first-hand the Enel Innovation Hub in Barcelona, which will open its doors in the coming weeks.
The program of the event will soon be available.
Carrer de Milà i Fontanals, 14, 1r 6ª
08012 Barcelona (Espanya)
Partners who currently bill more than 0.5 million euros.
Annual fee of €550 for the first year and €650 for the second year. Maximum duration of 2 years, after which the partner will automatically move to the Bronze membership category.
Partners who currently bill more than 0.5 million euros and less than 5 million.
Partners who currently bill more than 5 million euros and less than 10 million
Partners who currently bill more than 10 million euros.
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