The Municipal Foundation (FMIT) of the Catalan Association of Municipalities (ACM) will host a training session on January 22nd, during which the key findings of the legal study on the participation of local councils in energy communities will be presented. The session will unveil a comprehensive guide that includes legal arguments and sample documents to be used for the relevant modes of energy community participation.
While it is common for energy communities led or participated in by local councils to be located on the rooftops of municipal buildings, there are also other options available for larger installations.
Local administrations have the potential to lead renewable energy projects designed within their territory, contributing to the balance between energy consumed and that generated within municipalities. These installations can overcome barriers set by collective self-consumption limits and physical constraints related to rooftop sizes. At the same time, they must be designed to reduce environmental and social impacts, involving citizens and the local associative and business sectors.
A roundtable discussion will be held during the session, featuring several key examples of energy community projects currently under development in Catalonia by local administrations.
Check the program here.
Carrer de Milà i Fontanals, 14, 1r 6ª
08012 Barcelona (Espanya)
Partners who currently bill more than 0.5 million euros.
Annual fee of €550 for the first year and €650 for the second year. Maximum duration of 2 years, after which the partner will automatically move to the Bronze membership category.
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